mystery visitor

09/08/2012 § Leave a comment

Once or twice a week, one of my plant in the front entrance would be all smushed down.The plant is a large pot with mint and some ivy.

I’ve been suspecting 3 things:

1. There is a cat sitting on top of my plant.  (but is this really possible?)

2.  Someone is putting their bag on top of the plant while opening the door (but who would do that?)

3. Heavy rain or wind flattened the plant. (only this one plant..)

And today my upstairs neighbor sent me this email!!  “Hi. This is why the big plant is smushed. The kitten has been sleeping in it (:”

I knew it!! It’s cat mint plant!

I’ve seen this kitty around the hood.  Super cute, tiny – with bright emerald eyes.  So happy with the new visitor!  Kitty – please keep sleeping over!



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